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有关PETROF琴的历史,型号,产量,图片,及企业管理,他们的网站中 http://www.petrof.com/有详细的介绍. 这里是一些补充说明. Petrof has four different names. They are Petrof, Weinbach, Rosler and Scholze Petrof manufactures five sizes of grand piano---5'3",5'8",6'4",7'9"and 9'3" (Weinbach only to 6'4") -and four sizes of vertical ---42",45",50", and 52" (Weinbach only 45" and 50"). The majority of components are produced in Petrof of other Czech factories, including hardware, plates, and cabinetry. However, action parts for many models are now from Renner in Germany and mounted by Petrof on Petrof-made action frames (known as "Petrof/Renner actions"). The 7'9" and 9'3" grands have full Renner actions assembled in Germany, as does a special version of the 6'4" grand, model III-M, which is made in the same factory as the two larger models and shares some of their refinements. All other Petrof and Weinbach grands have the Petrof/Renner action. The Petrof 52" upright, not available under the Weinbach label, has a full Renner action and Renner hammers. All Petrof and Weinbach 50" upright have Petrof/Renner actions with Renner hammers. The 42" and 45" verticals still use a Czech-made Detoa action, although the 45' model is available with Petrof/Renner action with higher price. All Petrof and Weinbach pianos use solid Bohemian spruce soundboards, wet sand-cast plates, and grand rims largely of beech. The grands and largest Petrof verticals use seven-ply beech pinblocks, the other verticals use Delignit pinblocks. Keys are of solid spruce, individually weighted. All grands have a sostenuto pedal, verticals have practice pedal. Petrof and Weinbach are known for their warm, rich, singing tone, full of color. Workmanship is quite good these days, but can vary. However, after careful preparation, the pianos can sound and feel quite beautiful and hold their own against some of the better-known European pianos. Best of all, due to much lower labor costs these pianos are only a fraction of that of many other European instruments and sometimes even less expensive than pianos from Japan. When properly prepared they are a very good value.


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